Public Service Announcement 9-13-2018

Información de estado de emergencia

PSA sobre el Huracán Florence para el condado de Ashe

Update 9/14/18 @ 12:15 EST Due to the updated forecast that indicates extreme flash flooding is likely in our area Saturday night we have changed the shelter opening date and time to 1 pm on Saturday at Ashe County High School.

Ashe County and the Towns of Lansing, West Jefferson and Jefferson have declared a state of emergency in advance of Hurricane Florence.

We are asking citizens to prepare for a worst case scenario prior to the impact of Hurricane Florence. Here in Ashe County, Hurricane Florence has the potential to surpass the damage and destruction of the 1940 flood. If you live within the 100 year or 500 year floodplain, please consider staying with friends or relatives that are not in flood prone areas. We want to stress that at least one predicted path indicates that this storm has the potential of surpassing a 500-year flood event in our area.

We will be opening a shelter in the gym of the Ashe County High School at 1 pm on Sunday September 16. This will be a bare bones shelter with a limited number of Army cots and blankets. You may bring domestic non-exotic pets to the shelter; however they will be transported to the Ashe County Animal Shelter for boarding during your shelter stay. Pets must be up to date on shots. Please bring those records with you. We will make announcements about shelter opening on WKSK and via social media.

We are asking citizens to do the following as part of their preparation:

Have enough supplies, food, water, medicines, diapers etc. on hand for a minimum of seven days without electricity. Several areas of the county could become isolated and unreachable. Be aware of alternate routes to take in the event a road is closed or a bridge is out.

Ensure any livestock or other confined animals within the floodplain or near any time of stream are relocated.

Move Recreational Vehicles and any un-anchored items well outside of the 100 and 500 year floodplains.

If you must receive weekly or daily medical procedures, consider staying closer to where you receive the treatments. If you require a medical device that is electricity dependent, ensure you have a battery back-up and plenty of batteries and/or a generator. Have extra oxygen bottles and other necessary supplies.

Turn Around Don't Drown - even with minor flooding, our emergency services organizations have had to rescue individuals who attempted to drive across flooded roads. Please remember that there may be sections of a road or bridge that are damaged and not visible under the water.

There's also a potential for land and/or mud slides with this event. Please be vigilant of your surroundings.

Activation of the Ashe County EOC at the Courthouse will occur at 1 pm Sunday, September 16th to coincide with the opening of the shelter in the gym at the Ashe County High School.

The following numbers will be activated in the EOC at that time.

If electricity remains on in Jefferson:




If there is no electricity in Jefferson:





Ashe County Emergency Management Office Contact: 

Emergency Management Coordinator
Fax: 336.846.5523

Fire Marshall
Fax: 336.846.5523